Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A question for switches: Have you ever been in a relationhip where someone expected you to be submissive all the time?

Have you ever been in a relationship where someone expected you to be submissive ALL the time...and how did that work out for you?

Can you sustain 100% submission to one person, even if you are angry? How about if you are having relationship problems?

I do have my own thoughts on this topic, but would like to hear others' first.

Thanks, Kinky

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The WTF genre of mystery fiction

Okay, so I've been gone a few days, I took some much needed time off. I originally planned to go camping, but the weather here sucked so I did a reading vacation. I enjoy reading, especially in my favorite genre, which is mysteries. Now I like a good trashy mystery as well as the next person.

But lately, I've come across these novels which I have to call "WTF books." The reason being that the main character acts with such incredible stupidity and lack of common sense, you have to ask yourself: "WTF?"

Case in point, our heroine (I use this term loosely) has friends who are getting offed right and left, it's clear she's in danger....but then she decides to walk home at night in the dark...alone....even though she knows it's dangerous....and...big surprise now...something *bad* happens. I mean, WTF?

This genre operates on more than one level. Not only do you get to ask yourself WTF when the characters make incredibly lame moves, you get to ask WTF did it even get published?

And then lastly you get to ask: "WTF? Why am I even reading this tripe?"