Saturday, September 19, 2009

Today's the Day

So, today's the day I meet B. My emotions are all over: nervous (will I look fat in the outfit I've picked out?) and stressed (will the chemistry be there?) one moment to hopeful (I really like this guy) and positive (no matter what happens, I'm looking forward to meeting a great person) the next.

Dating (such as it is) at 55. I'm sure I'll manage to do a great job of appearing sophisticated (not) and serene (never -- okay, hardly ever).

I admit it, I am an intensely passionate person. I'm far more like to follow my heart than my head. But it's times like these when I wish I could ratchet the intensity level down a few notches and coast along on a much more even keel (did I mix enough metaphors?). Of course then I wouldn't be me.

Which more or less brings us to today's question: A first meet: Can you maintain some emotional detachment? Or are you a mess or nerves? Or do you careen from one to the other with the speed of an Indy 500 driver (I had to get another metaphor in there)???

Let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Okay so...I thought he was a nice person. I liked him, I thought he liked me. I have not heard from him (aside from a couple of emails) since Saturday.

    I appear to have been dumped without a word.

    I know he's not having any sort of emergency, he's been very active on Fetlife (with another female).

    Ah well..such is life as they say.

    For my part I wish him the very best and hope he finds what he seeks.
